


Beautiful brand new cabins in Mucuchies, Merida.

AROMA COTTAGE: Sleeps 8, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen, hot water, cable TV, and beautiful fireplace.

ARGALIA COTTAGE: Sleeps 8, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen, meeting room, hot water, direct tv and 2 beautiful fireplaces.
Both parking for 3 cars.

You can also enjoy: beautiful view of Sierra Nevada National Park, and proximity to beautiful and colorful places like El Páramo de Gavidia, Astronomical Observatory, El Collado del Condor, Mucubaji Lagoon, The Stone Chapel and others.

Cuenta de Ahorros Banco Provincial N°
01080576730200142589 a nombre de Marleni Flores

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For more information:
This Phone Nimbers:
0274-8721322/0274-8721465/ y 0424-7301782


Urbanización Las Flores del Páramo, sector La Toma, Mucuchies.
 Cabañas Aroma y Argalia. State of Mérida -Venezuela.


Copyright: Cabanas Aroma y Argalia Hospedaje y Promoción Turismo Andesnet, S.R.L.