Salón de Estética  Merchi


Since 1982 we are specialists in the care of body and hair.

Total Care of Your Body....

The  professionals at Merchi combine years of experience with the latest innovations to
Make your Body   The Healthiest!
We apply permanent makeup and the most modern 
techniques in manicure and nail polish.
Salón de Belleza y Estética-Merchi                                 Hours: Martes-Sábado de 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.

We accept U.S. Dollars, 
Checks and credit cards.

Av. Las Américas
C.C. Plaza Las Américas
2do piso, Local  No 28
Tel.: (274) 266-7308  
Cel: (0414) 744-0390 ó  0416-474-7437
Mérida-  Edo. Mérida, Venezuela

Elevator Service 
Private Parking


Copyright: Salon de Estética Merchi, Hosted and Promoted by W.R., Inc.