Unidad Educativa Monseñor Duque

Monseñor duque is an educational institution recently initiated by U.C.E.R (Unidad Coordinadora Ejecutora Regional) with the state of MÉRIDA and CITY support. Located in the district Campo Elias, the educational program is designed for Students with learning disabilities. Students are provided lunch, dinner, and SCHOOL UNIFORMS. THE PROGRAM ALSO PROVIDES FOR the use of library, medical and dental FACILITIES.

A SPECIALLY TRAINED team called: "NIBE" works with the students offering classes in various parts of the building. Courses include training in self control, INTER ACTING WITH OTHER PERSONS, and religious education. The approach is one of teamwork between the parents, relatives, teachers and staff, and has the full support of local, state and national government.

U.E. Monseñor Duque
Calle Principal Mesa Seca
Ejido, Mérida, Venezuela


Copyright: Unidad Educativa Monseñor Duque, Hosted and Promoted by W.R., Inc.